Inflation’s Got Us Too: Here’s What’s Up with Our Prices (and How You Can Beat the Hike)

We’ve all felt it—prices are going up everywhere, and The Beet Box isn’t an exception. We’ve been working hard to keep things affordable while still giving you the top-notch quality and service you’ve come to love. But with rising costs, we’ve had to make some changes to our prices. So, why the bump? Let us break it down for you:

1. Made with Love, Right Here:

Most of what you enjoy at The Beet Box is made in-house from scratch. Our granola? Baked
fresh right here. That apple juice in your smoothie? We press it ourselves. Keeping things
homemade and fresh means we’re investing more time, effort, and ingredients to give you the
best, which does come at a higher cost.

2. No Watered-Down Juices:

When you order a juice or smoothie, we’re not cutting corners by filling it up with ice. You’re
getting 100% pure juice, packed with all the nutrients and flavors. No dilution, no filler—just the real deal. That kind of quality takes premium ingredients, which isn’t the cheapest route, but it’s the right one.

3. Health is Wealth (But It Ain’t Cheap):

We’re all about health here, and that means using the freshest, most nutrient-rich ingredients.
Organic, plant-based, and superfoods—they don’t come cheap, but they’re worth it for the
quality and benefits they bring to your body.

4. Keeping It Green:

We care about the planet as much as we care about what goes into your food. That’s why we
focus on sustainable practices, like sourcing locally and reducing waste. Being eco-friendly is
awesome, but it does come with some extra costs that we absorb to do right by the earth.

5. The Cost of Doing Business:

From higher utility bills to pricier packaging, the cost of running a small business is on the rise.
We’ve been doing our best to keep these increases from affecting you, but some of it’s
unavoidable if we want to keep serving up the quality you expect.


Stay Ahead of the Game: Easy Ways to Save While You Eat Well

We know everyone’s feeling the pinch, so here are some tips to help you keep your budget in

1. Plan Ahead:

Planning your meals can help you avoid those last-minute takeout orders. Go for plant-based meals—they’re nutritious, delicious, and often easier on the wallet.

2. Bulk Up:

Buying in bulk for staples like grains and nuts can save you a pretty penny. Store them right,
and they’ll last you a while.

3. Shop What’s in Season:

Seasonal fruits and veggies are usually cheaper and taste better too. Check out your local
farmers’ markets for fresh finds that won’t break the bank.

4. Waste Not, Want Not:

Get creative with leftovers. Turn yesterday’s dinner into today’s lunch with soups, salads, or stir- fries. Less waste means more value from what you buy.

5. Support Your Local Faves:

Shopping local not only helps small businesses but can also lead to better deals. Fewer
transport costs can mean more savings for you.

We’re so grateful for your support and understanding as we roll with the punches. Our mission
hasn’t changed: to serve up delicious, healthy eats that make you feel good inside and out.

Thanks for sticking with us and being part of The Beet Box family!


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